Terms and Conditions
Know what are the terms you accept when booking
Check here terms and conditions of purchase
Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before making your purchase at Dinner in the Sky Mexico
1- Reservations are the responsibility of Dinner in the Sky®, which entails the client (hereinafter THE USER) to accept the date assigned Dinner in the Sky® through its website to participate in the attraction.
2- Dinner in the Sky® establishes the cost per person to live the experience in Mexican pesos depending on each venue and location and this cost already includes taxes and is published on our website. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE TIPS, WHICH YOU CAN FREELY GIVE TO THE TEAM.
3- Dinner in the Sky® will not be responsible in any case and will not pay THE USER for the loss or irreparable or partial damage, including the theft of those objects owned by THE USER and that may be affected due to any mishap that occurred during the operation of the attraction. All your personal belongings must remain in your car.
4- Dinner in the Sky® will assign a reservation number to THE USER, once he has carried out the purchase operation of the package that he had requested, in which case said code will be sent to the email address that THE USER has provided to Dinner in the Sky®.
5- Any claim related to the operation and organization of the attraction must be submitted to Dinner in the Sky® via email address: reservas@dinnerinthesky.com.mx
6- Dinner in the Sky® does not apply refunds in any case.
7- In the event that the day of the event there is bad weather that prevents the experience from taking place, Dinner in the Sky® It grants the USER without additional cost to reschedule their places for a new date. The date, package, time and venue will be indicated to the user and defined by Dinner in the Sky® based on the logistics of the event.
8- Our venues and announced dates may have variations for reasons of: logistics, government permits, health contingencies or other inherent reasons depending on the city. Dinner in the Sky® will notify all its clients of any changes that occur to offer new dates.
9- If the client wishes to make a change of city, he must communicate with personnel from Dinner in the Sky® to check availability, changes of venue or city have restrictions and can only be made with prior consultation.
10- The client may request a change of date at no extra cost, if it is made 20 days before the date of the purchased event.
11- The client may request a change of date with extra cost, in case it is made within 19 days prior to the date of the event with a charge of 50% of the total previously paid.
12- THE USER may make their places transferable in case of not being able to attend by sending Dinner in the Sky® to the email reservas@dinnerinthesky.com.mx a letter which we must receive from the e-mail with which the purchase was made and where THE USER confirms that he wishes to transfer his places to a certain person, this person must appear on the day of the event with this writing and a copy of official identification of the person who transferred their places.
13 Dinner in the Sky® It is an attraction only for people over 6 years old, minors must always attend in the company of one of their parents or legal guardian, valid official identification of the minor and the adult guardian, they may not drink alcoholic beverages and must have excellent behavior during the experience , otherwise, Dinner in the Sky® You will have every right out of respect for the rest of the guests to remove the minor from the attraction immediately. Minors pay $1,999 Mexican pesos in any of our packages and their menu will be 3 courses to live the experience. Only minors between the ages of 14 and 17 who want to live the experience without their parents, must anyway attend with one of them who will sign the responsive letter on their behalf, must present documents with which they made the purchase.
14- All disputes arising from these Terms will be resolved by the laws, judges and courts of the Federal District of Mexico City, the parties renouncing any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that by reason of domicile they have or may have.
15- In all cases the participation of THE USER in the attraction, is solely under his responsibility.
16- The restrictions in relation to PEOPLE WITH ANY DISABILITY or MEDICAL CONDITION will be at the discretion of Dinner in the Sky®, without this meaning any discrimination, first of all the safety of THE USER is taken care of at all times.
17- THE USER is obliged to pay attention and obey all instructions given by the personnel of Dinner in the Sky®. Touching any ride operation device is prohibited. If the USER at any time fails to respect the instructions of the personnel in charge of the Experience, they will be asked to leave it without any option for reimbursement.
18- No promotion or discount that is published on the official site of Dinner in the Sky® or other external promotion sites is cumulative with each other, nor can the USER claim against Dinner in the Sky® the publication of any promotion in case the USER already has a previously made purchase, the offers, discounts and promotions are applicable only during the purchase of the dates published in the same offer or promotion.
19 Dinner in the Sky® manages eventual promotions or discounts, in case the USER has purchased his package and later a promotion or discount is published, the USER will not be able to claim Dinner in the Sky® making this promotion valid if your purchase was made before it was published.
20- Smoking is not allowed while the attraction is in operation, neither traditional cigarettes nor electronic cigarettes nor vapers on the platform, the only areas allowed for smokers will be the areas that are outdoors.
21- The carrying of any type of weapon is not allowed.
22- Any violation of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE DINNER IN THE SKY, MEXICO. RESERVATIONS AND PURCHASES VIA ELECTRONICS THROUGH THE INTERNET, will be sufficient reason for the cancellation of the participation in the attraction, without any responsibility for Dinner in the Sky® no refunds or rescheduling of dates.
23- The maximum weight allowed for each seat on the platform cannot be greater than 130kg or in the event that the seat belt does not close properly, this will be determined by trained personnel. Dinner in the Sky®, in case the user cannot participate for this reason, no type of refund will be made.
24- Pregnant women will be able to live the experience as long as they have not exceeded 30 weeks of pregnancy, have a letter signed by their doctor stating that they have no problem living this experience and the seat belt can close without problem, if the pregnant person is less than 30 weeks old but the seat belt will not close properly, they will not be able to participate in the attraction and no refund will be made.
25- The acquisition of any of the packages offered Dinner in the Sky® will entitle THE USER to participate in the attraction, in accordance with the purchased package.
26 Dinner in the Sky® fully reserves the right of Admission.
27- It is forbidden to enter the areas of Dinner in the Sky® alcoholic drinks.
28- Punctuality is very important for Dinner in the Sky®, we ask you to arrive 40 minutes before the scheduled time of your package, in case the USER shows up with some delay and the platform has already been raised, for no reason, due to our following hours of operation and out of respect other USERS the platform may not lower even if it is at any distance from the ground.
29 Dinner in the Sky® is not responsible for allergies to foods or ingredients that have not been previously clarified at the time of purchase. We suggest you see the menu beforehand and specify it at the time of your reservation on our form, it will not be possible to change the menu on the day of the event.
30- THE USER may pay for the experience in the following ways:
a:) Online payment with single charge to credit or debit card.
b:) Online payment with credit card in 3, 6, 9 or 12 monthly installments without interest using the Paypal platform if the purchase exceeds $5,000 pesos or by calling the number 8124277617 (Only Mexican cards will be valid and the number of months will depend on your bank at the time of entering the card details).
c:)Payment through transfer or bank deposit.
Payment for the experience is required 100% in advance in order to make a reservation for your places.